
Making kioke-brewed organic soy sauce for the world
“The previous generation’s definition on ‘brewing’ left a significant impression on me,” said Tatsuaki Adachi. Drawing inspiration from it, this brewery is set on using organic materials to make soy sauce by hand. Although these came with its own set of challenges, Adachi Brewery was able to overcome these hurdles.

Organic Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) certified factory
With the clear Sugihara River flowing through the valley, Adachi Brewery is located in the central part of Hyogo Prefecture. Taka is known for its “sanshi suimei,” or “scenic beauty.” Not only that, but there are no cars, making it difficult to get to.

Currently, many breweries are acquiring the JAS certification. Back then, however, it was rare for small breweries like Adachi Brewery to obtain such certification. Under these agricultural standards, Adachi makes domestic soy sauce using organic soybeans and wheat in Kanazawa Daichi, Kahokugata.

Doing away with plastic
Many breweries use tanks made up of fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) for the moromi (main fermented mash). They are easy to use, and it saves money. In the past, Adachi Brewery used a mix of kioke and FRP tanks. But after obtaining the JAS certification, they felt it was necessary to discard the FRP tanks, and produce all of the soy sauce in the kioke.

However, Adachi Brewery was unsure on how to replace the FRP tanks because obtaining kioke is extremely difficult. Back then, a kioke craftsman would deliver a new kioke every few years. After delivering it, the craftsman would take the old kioke, disassemble it, reassemble the boards, and reuse the barrels again. This procedure of recycling often happened in soy sauce and miso breweries.

Fortunately, Adachi Brewery was able to find a kioke, and on March 20, 2009, a new barrel was delivered. The kioke has a volume of 30 stones (about 5,400 liters or 1,188 gallons) and is 2 meters high (6.5 feet). This kioke was made from koya maki (Japanese umbrella pine tree), which is known to be extremely resilient and waterproof. This valuable pine tree was acquired and preserved by the predecessor of Osaka’s Fujii Kioke Factory. Because the kioke was so rare, many officials gathered for the welcoming event.

2012年春、新工場が完成しました。何十年と使い続けてきた30石桶の隣に、2 万リットル以上入る120 石の大桶を設置されました。木製の桶としては最大級の大きさで、全量を丸大豆醤油に特化して半分以上はオーガニック原料にする徹底ぶり。この木桶仕込みの醤油を海外に持ち込んで、「Soy Sauce ではなく、Shoyu として認知してほしい」と、意欲満々です。
Kioke-brewed soy sauce for the world
In the spring of 2012, the brewery was finally completed. Next to the 30 stone kioke (used for decades), they added the 120 stone kioke, holding a volume of more than 20,000 liters. This is the largest kioke for making organic soy sauce. After the first batch in the 120 stone kioke was completed, Adachi brought the soy sauce abroad for people to try. He says, “I want people to recognize this as shoyu*, not soy sauce.”
*Shoyu is the Japanese reading for soy sauce.

価格 : 476円+税
原材料 : 有機大豆、有機小麦、食塩

価格 : 476円+税
原材料 : 有機丸大豆しょうゆ(小麦、大豆を含む)、風味原料(かつお節、宗田かつお節、さば節、かつお節エキス)、砂糖、食塩、本みりん、いしる(いかを含む)