

創業は江戸時代寛政七年。静岡県掛川市の横須賀という地名の城下町。/Founded in the 7th year (1610) of the Edo Period, Sakae Brewery is located in the castle town Yokosuka in Kakegawa, Shizuoka Prefecture.



The evolution of old−fashioned values

It can be said that some things are out of date. Sakae Soy Sauce Brewery, despite the government ordinance on modernizing production, continues to brew the traditional way. In addition, this brewery keeps track of past data such as the quality of their products, or the customers who have continuously supported the brewery.

元々はは深谷醸造という屋号。先代が皆が幸せになるようにとの願いを込めて「栄醤油」を商品名にし、しだいにその名が親しまれるようになって会社名も栄醤油醸造に。/Sakae was originally called Fukaya Brewery. With the desire to make customers feel happy, the original brewers created a soy sauce called “sakae,” meaning “prosperous.” As this name gradually became familiar, the brewery changed its name to Sakae Soy Sauce Brewery.




It hasn’t changed much from the past

“I thought that I was the fifth generation to own this brewery, but when I was changing the roof tiles I came across Tenpo and Bunsei Era markers (1830−1844) and, after doing more research, I found out that I was actually the seventh generation,” said Masuhiro Fukaya, brimming with pride.

There is a saying for “someone who is very behind the times.” Currently, it’s seen as a good thing to keep old−fashioned or traditional methods of brewing soy sauce, using only domestic soybeans or kioke (large wooden barrel). But in the days when mechanization and mass production were being promoted, you would have been seen as outdated or backwards.

七代目の深谷益弘さん/Masuhiro Fukaya, 7th generation owner.


“Smart people shifted to mass production, and mechanized their breweries. The management diversified and expanded, and their sales steadily increased. But over time, almost everyone started to quit from the soy sauce industry. I still stuck to using raw materials, and produced soy sauce the old−fashioned way. Now, I feel I caught up with the times, or I feel I am finally accepted among the public,” said Fukaya.
木桶が並ぶ蔵の中。/Kioke all lined up in the brewery.
炒った小麦を砕く道具。お洒落なシルエットに見えてしまう。/The equipment to crush roasted wheat has a stylish silhouette.
増設や修復を繰り返してきた蔵。屋根の高さが所々によって異なる。/Over the course of time, warehouses are repeatedly added or repaired. That is why the height of the roofs varies.
木桶の中でじっくり熟成。30石の大きさの桶が30本以上あります。/Careful maturation and fermentation occurs in 30 kioke. Each kioke holds a volume of 30 stones, or about 5,400 liters(1,188 gallons).




Precision and intuition

When it comes to craftsmanship, years of experience and intuition are often considered important. However, Fukaya changes that perception. Detailed data on preparation, temperature management, and salinity of the water is recorded on Microsoft Excel.

Before the release of the popular Windows 95, Fukaya used a system called Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS). It may appear as if Fukaya’s head is full of science when he used the MS-DOS, but Fukaya believes, “Intuition is more important than precise data management.” The key is to have balance between precision (backed up by the data),and craftsman-like intuition. This method of managing still supports Sakae Soy Sauce Brewery today.”

古川真輔工場長は若き熟練職人。/Factory manager Shinsuke Furukawa is a skilled young craftsman.
諸味を袋に入れて搾る。この手法は搾り粕の処理に苦労するものの、にごりの少ない美味しい醤油になるとのこと。/Factory manager Shinsuke Furukawa is a skilled young craftsman.




Selling in−store is best

Many soy sauce breweries will have a small store attached. They are not to be sold to wholesalers or retailers, but rather, to the neighbors next door, or to visitors from distant places. “I don’t want to produce large batches of soy sauce. I want to take care of those who will take care of my products,” says Fukaya. It is easy to tell that Fukaya’s soy sauce is made with love and affection

I asked Fukaya, “What do you value the most when making soy sauce?” and he responded, “To gain trust. To cherish what our ancestors have passed down to us, and to constantly undergo trial and error in order to gain trust from the customers. It is very dangerous to think that everything is fine as is, when there is always room for improvement.” I found his response to be quite remarkable.

深谷益弘さんと八代目の允さん。微生物の動き方を身振り手振りで解説。/Masuhiro Fukaya using hand gestures to explain the movement of microorganisms to Makoto (future 8th generation owner).



価格 : 428円+税
原材料 : 大豆(遺伝子組換でない)、小麦、食塩
〒437-1301 静岡県掛川市横須賀38
TEL:0537-48-2114  FAX:0537-48-3168
