
Safe and delicious even for a lifetime
Amongst the heavy snow that Okuizumo receives in the winter, there is a soy sauce brewery set on putting people’s health first. “From youth to adulthood, eating safe soy sauce should always be ensured,” says Ikuhumi Morita. Soybeans and wheat are domestically produced, and dashi (soup stock) is produced in−house, all guaranteeing the quality of the product. There is a charm to Morita’s methods even beyond this stance.


A machine−like maze
The main warehouse of Morita Soy Sauce is by no means spacious. In order to make the most efficient use of the area, tubs with a height of more than 2 meters (6.5 feet) are closely packed, and the tank for storing refined soy sauce is located on the second floor. In the picture below, a brewer is standing on the plank over the kioke(large wooden barrel made with Japanese cedar) stirring the moromi(main fermented mash). You will hear a pleasant ‘picha picha’ sound reverberate throughout the brewery.

Preparing more than 50 batches a year
Preparing over 50 batches of koji (naturally−occurring mold) in one year is quite a considerable amount. Since the room for making koji is small, the amount that can be made at once is limited. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat this work over and over again.
It takes about three days to prepare the koji, and you must watch over it regularly during that period. A subtle temperature change will affect the koji’s growth, so it has to constantly be attended to. During the preparation period, Morita carried his futon to a place where he can hear the koji fans. That way, he can continue managing them.

“Wait a minute!”
When Morita was developing ponzu sauce, he looked at the ingredients list, and was shocked to find “other extracts” listed on there.
He stopped and had a moment of realization. Just as his son was just about to eat the dashi, he said, “Wait a minute!” He then threw away all the recipes, and started to look for raw ingredients. And so, his company began producing its own dashi made from raw ingredients.

“No, that’s pretty normal”
A while back, when Morita was manually stirring the moromi, he decided to wave his wooden paddle in the air, as if he was stirring it. However, the rich moromi aroma, “stuck” to the ceiling. “That way is the best,” Morita stated nonchalantly.
The amount of salt water that Morita uses is less than most breweries. He says, “Although the soy sauce batch will be less, but it would be more delicious.” It is clear that he isn’t like the other companies who are only out to gain profit, but he doesn’t boast.

“Well, it is a form of playing!”
“Well, it’s all just a form of playing. This here was made with black soy beans. Please try some.” As he handed me his recommended sampling, the look on his face was of pure joy and excitement.

Kohei returned
Kohei returned to Morita Brewery in January 2015. “Originally, I wanted to work in the additive−free goods industry, so I didn’t think about inheriting the soy sauce brewery. But when I was a student, I went back home to help our brewery at an exhibition. When I was explaining the ingredients and products to the visitors, I realized that the additive−free industry that I wanted to work in, was right here at home,” said Kohei.
At that time, Morita said to Kohei, “If ‘being my son’ is your only reason for continuing the family business, then you should become a salaryman. If you work here, you will work three times as hard for the same wages as a salary worker. But, you will also have three times more fun.”

価格 : 476円+税
原材料 : 醤油(大豆[遺伝子組換えでない]、小麦を含む)、だいだい果汁、すだち果汁、ゆず果汁、醸造酢、かつお削り節、昆布、みりん、粗糖)

価格 : 581円+税
原材料 : 大豆、小麦、食塩

価格 : 476円+税
原材料 : 大豆、小麦、食塩