
The modest and humble brewer-that is why he is still here
There are 120 kioke at this brewery. Both soybeans and wheat are domestically produced, and this brewery’s production batch is published on the homepage. However, there isn’t a fine speck about this brewery that boasts, “I am unique.” It is for this exact reason that this brewery has garnered so many fans.
120 kioke in soy sauce village
A small island in Kagawa Prefecture called Shodoshima is famous for the origin of soy sauce. Amongst the 22 soy sauce breweries that were built, Shokin Soy Sauce was one of them. Within Shokin, there are three smaller warehouses called Yamayoshi, Nishi, and To. Distributed amongst these warehouses, there are 120 kioke, which is the leading number throughout all of Japan.

一歩入ると空気が変わる。 あぁ、いい香り。
The air changes just with one step. Ah, it smells nice.
Inside the brewery, you will be welcomed with kioke that have been used for decades. The scent drifts to the top as you climb the stairs. The whole surrounding is enveloped in a pleasant smell.

You might not notice if we didn’t tell you…
This photograph is quite amazing.
What is so amazing about this photo? It’s the unusual beauty between the edge of the floor and the kioke. The reason for its cleanliness is because Yasuto Fujii always wipes down the surfaces. In the wooden barrel, the moromi, or the main fermenting mash, must be mixed in regular intervals. During this mixing, fermentation will happen. Mixing also causes the moromi to splatter, so that’s why the cleaning is so evident.

Just because they use kioke, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good
“A while back, my father would take me to Osaka to deliver our soy sauce. When I would remove the canopy of the truck bed, an incomparable aroma wafted all around, and that memory has left a deep impression on me,” Fujii said. And, from that moment on, he was consistent in his efforts to keep the inside of the brewery clean
When the kioke become empty, Fujii would thoroughly wash and clean the barrel before preparing the next batch. Looking at Fujii’s attitude toward achieving the exceptional aroma (avoiding unpleasant odors), you realize that management is more important than the kioke itself.

What kind of soy sauce do you aim for?
醤油が美味しくなりすぎている気がするんです。/I feel like soy sauce nowadays is too delicious.
どういうことですか?/What do you mean by that?
親父の代には、取引先からは大手さんを引き合いに出されて「これよりも美味しくて安いものを持ってこい!なんてよく言われたそうです」。/In my father's time, customers would often reference major soy sauce companies and say, "Bring me soy sauce that is just as delicious and cheap."
大量生産の時代ですね。/Ah yes, this was during the era of mass production.
醤油業界全体として、どんどん質は上がってきたと思います。うま味は高くなったし、香りもよくなった。美味しさが洗練されてきました。/In regards to the whole soy sauce industry, the quality has steadily increased. Umami [savory taste] also increased, the aroma has improved, and the taste of soy sauce is refined again.
その中で特にうま味がよく注目されますが、大切なのはバランスだと思うのです。塩辛さとうま味のバランス。/Nowadays, the use of umami is particularly popular. But it is important to
have balance between salt and umami flavors.
なるほど。/I see.
濃すぎるというか、うま味が強過ぎる醤油は、料理好きな方からは敬遠される気もします。/When the soy sauce is too thick, or the umami is too strong, people who love to cook would try to avoid using it.
刺身に美味しい濃厚な醤油が、煮物では使いづらかったり・・・/Thick and rich soy sauce is delicious for sashimi, but it would be very
difficult to use for cooking… -
料理が好きな方に使っていただきたいと考えています。塩辛さとうま味のバランス。そこに注意しています。/I would like people who like to cook to use it. It would be good to have a balance between a salty taste and an umami taste. I’m trying to pay attention
to this.
The amount of nitrogen (indicator to measure umami) in Shokin’s soy sauce exceeds 1.5%, which is considerably high from the standard amount.

The domestically produced soybeans and wheat are made in 120 kioke. Since the brewery has chosen good quality ingredients in the harvest this year, raw materials from multiple varieties are being used. More information on these ingredients can be found on their website.

If you say,“Wow,that’s amazing!”Fujii will say without hesitation,“No, no, it’s normal.”

I will still have the attitude that “I still have a ways to go”
Because we are writing this, we must stay true to our word. If we use the word “commitment”, then we are committed to everything. However, Fujii cannot afford to take the statement, “I am good”, even if it is attached to any of his successful products.
“The major company’s skill is amazing.”
“So-and-so’s soy sauce was delicious.”
“Compared to others, I still have a ways to go…”
Although Fujii still thinks he isn’t good enough, Shokin Soy Sauce Brewery’s soy sauce is simple. You may notice that fans will say, “If it’s not Shokin soy sauce, then it won’t be good!”

価格 : 381円+税 / 原材料 : 大豆、小麦、食塩