
Spirit of dedication
Local soy sauce created to be a fun and bright addition to your dining table. Fueki Brewery is one of the first to reduce the sodium in their soy sauce, making it a best−seller for over 30 years. Established in 1789, this brewery has a spirit of dedication, and continues to overcome challenges.
Stop and enjoy the countryside landscape
An hour away from the city center, rural scenery is spread out before you in Hiki−gun. In this picturesque landscape, you will find Fueki Soy Sauce Brewery.
Located behind the Oppe River, Fueki Brewery used to utilize this natural resource to ship soy sauce and raw materials by boat in the past.

Established in 1789, Fueki Brewery’s flagship product is the Kinfue Soy Sauce, which is fermented in kioke (a large wooden barrel) for over two summers. Households everywhere would use Kinfue, or“golden flute*,”while restaurants would use the Ginteki, or“silver flute.”
*This naming was influenced by the gold medals earned at the Tokyo Olympics.

From studying abroad to working the family business
Seiji Fueki, owner of Fueki Brewery, invited me to visit the family brewery in 2006. My first impression of him was his strong, sturdy build. It would be easy to mistake him as a competitive athlete.
何かスポーツされていたのですか?/Have you done any sports?
昔はサッカーに明け暮れていました。/I used to play soccer a long time ago.
では、どのような経緯で家業に戻ってこられたのですか?/I knew it! So how did you come back to your family business? -
実はサッカーがきっかけになっていまして・・・高校生の時にブラジルにいく機会があったのですが、現地の貧しい生活を目の当たりにして衝撃を受けたというか・・・/Originally, I had the opportunity to play soccer in Brazil when I was a high school student. But when I got there I was shocked by the poverty I saw.
サッカーの練習と共に、日本とは違う環境を感じたのですね。/So in addition to a different soccer training, you experienced a different cultural environment.
それがきっかけで海外に興味を持つようになりまして、ジョージワシントン大学に留学することにしました。/I had a strong interest in being overseas, so I decided to study abroad at George Washington University.
海外での大学生活だったのですね。/Ah, a university student’s life abroad.
すると、留学先で自社の醤油が売られていたんです。/Actually, my family’s soy sauce was sold at the same place where I was studying abroad.
え~!すごいですね。それ。/Really? That’s amazing!
本当にたまたまだったのですが、友人が指をさしながら、「これはお前のところのか?!」と聞いてくるんです。/It all happened by chance. My friend pointed at the soy sauce and asked me, “Is this from your company?!”
嬉しいシチュエーションですね/Ah, what a nice surprise.
その友人に、「これは誇りだろ?お前のミッションだぞ。これは。」そう言われた時、ハッとしたのを鮮明に覚えています。/My friend then said, “This soy sauce is your pride and your mission.” After he told me that, I clearly remember feeling taken aback.

Experiencing the staff member’s spirit of dedication for the company upon his return
“When I first entered the brewery, I saw the staff members in the process of making koji (naturally−occurring mold). I noticed how careful they were handling the raw materials, as if they were their own children. Even though the brewery is not large, and the money is not a lot, but I felt that the staff members loved the company and soy sauce. I was happy when I saw all that,” said Fueki.
The mission to create new products has been passed down from generation to generation. In the early days, they started to produce Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce, Kinfu Sesame Dressing, and Kinfu Four Seasons Dashi (soup stock), all of which have been best−sellers.
“As it is our challenge to create new things, I’ve made soy sauce−based sweets, processed goods, and jelly. But as we are trying to move away from mechanization, the best thing we can do now is to inherit the traditions passed down to us,” said Fueki.

It’s become a habit to analyze
Fueki’s equipment is all furnished with an analysis device. This way, they can grasp the numerical value of raw materials, and make the necessary preparations for the next procedures. Additionally, the device can judge when is the appropriate time to press and refine the moromi, or main fermenting mash.

The brewery looks shiny and new
During the process of pressing and refining, the moromi tend to spray all over the place. The salt in the moromi will cause the machinery to rust. However, at Fueki Brewery, you won’t find any machines in that state. It is the brewery’s goal to keep the site safe and clean, so daily maintenance and cleaning is conducted.

A best−seller from the 55th year of the Showa Era (1934)
In regards to today’s health concerns, reduced sodium soy sauce is a necessity. But this approach to decrease the salt amount happened much earlier. Matured in the kioke, 50% of the salt is cut back, and has been a best−seller for over 30 years. This soy sauce is best for simmering or cooking.

The risk of contamination is increased when you cut back on salt. Therefore, the temperature to pasteurize the soy sauce is set at 120 degrees Celsius (248 degrees Fahrenheit), higher than the standard temperature.
“Originally, it was a request from a pickle producer to pasteurize the soy sauce,” Fueki explained. After that, the brewery reviewed the facilities and management methods to ensure bacteria contamination will be decreased.

Contributing to the region
“When I was 18 years old, my father suddenly passed away. Before he left, he told me, ‘I use my potential and ability not for myself, but for the region and for others.’ At the time, I couldn’t grasp the magnitude of his words, but now I understand what he was trying to say,” said Fueki.
Since 2013, Fueki Brewery has hosted the Sogyo Festival, a celebration inviting local people to enjoy soy sauce and to have fun. Cherishing and upholding the name of being the only soy sauce shop in the area, Fueki Brewery has already confronted numerous of challenges for the past 230 years, and they are ready to face new ones in the future.

価格 : 476円+税
原材料 : 大豆、小麦、食塩

価格 : 381円+税
原材料 : 大豆、小麦、食塩、アルコール