

愛知県碧南市(へきなんし)。小麦が主原料の白醤油を手掛けるのは日本でも数えるほど。/Hekinan, Aichi Prefecture. There are few who work with white soy sauce whose primary ingredient is wheat.



Pursuing the origins of white soy sauce

“The white soy sauce used to be different.” From these words, Nitto Brewery was inspired to create white soy sauce. Undergoing trial and error, looking for good quality water, and setting up a brewery far from the head office factory–this is how Nitto Brewery did it all.



“Old−fashioned” and “State−of−the−art”

When I visited the head office factory of Nitto Brewery, I was surprised by the strict sanitary control. Everyone wore a white work uniform, and had to adhere to stringent procedures such as thorough hand washing or how to use the adhesive tape properly. It is considered a cutting−edge brewery, compared to the standard soy sauce factory.

外観は校舎。内部は桶が並ぶ「日東醸造足助仕込蔵」。/Nitto Asuke Brewery, the white soy sauce factory, is operating in an old school building. Inside, the kioke—or large wooden barrels—are neatly arranged.




Nitto Asuke Brewery is 90 minutes from the head office factory

Many locals refer to this area as the “Hokkaido of Aichi,” where the mountains act as a natural air−conditioner in the summertime. Tucked beneath these mountains is an old elementary school, where the white soy sauce factory, Nitto Asuke Brewery, is. Yoichi Ninagawa admits that the brewery location is a bit unusual, and explains that he was initially looking for a clean water source.

And the story of the brewery dates back to the beginning of the Heisei Period (1989−present).





“I feel like white soy sauce used to taste different…”

This remark–uttered by one of the brewery’s predecessors–is what started it all. But it was not clear on what was different about the white soy sauce now. Could it be the production method? Or is it a change in raw materials? The search for genuine white soy sauce began with a slight memory from the previous generation.

At first, the brewery tried changing the ratio of koji (naturally−occurring mold) and water from the standard 1:2, to 1:1. Although the production yield decreased, it had the taste that resembled white soy sauce. However, the pale amber color—which is the characteristic of white soy sauce—was not apparent, and the consistency of this batch was thicker than usual. Therefore, it was considered useless.

One of the primary factors that cause soy sauce to have a dark color is raw soybeans. So Nitto Brewery initially didn’t use any soybeans at all. However, throughout the process of trial and error, they came to the natural realization that water–and particularly a source of water–would be key.

桶の中を確認する蜷川社長/Ninagawa inspecting the soy sauce.




Love at first sight leads to a change of course

“In my head, I always thought about water,” said Ninagawa. He traveled all over Hekinan, asking people where he could find good quality water for his soy sauce. One day, Ninagawa asked an assistant from Hekinan, and they unexpectedly said, “I know a place!” They can accompany you to the source, but they must go through a path deep in the mountains.

“Is there really a town here?” said Ninagawa anxiously, as they were driving through the mountains. After some time, they saw a small village past the summit. Jokingly, Ninagawa says, “I was struck by the landscape and fell in love. I knew I wanted to make soy sauce in this area.”

桶の底にたまった白醤油を生引きします/The white soy sauce accumulates at the bottom of the kioke. They drain the barrels to collect the soy sauce.





A suspicious start

Originally, Ninagawa thought about transporting the water back to head office factory. But after seeing the beauty of this small mountainous village, he wanted to make soy sauce here. He thought it would be possible to borrow the retired elementary school, but it proved to be much more challenging than he thought. It took the local people two years to understand what he was doing, and why he wanted to use the building.

To the local people’s perspective, a soy sauce brewery that is 90 minutes away from the head office factory seemed unusual, and they doubted whether his intentions were true. So it is understandable for them to question Ninagawa’s plan. Laughing as he remembers that time, he says, “They definitely thought I was suspicious!”

After discussing numerous times without much progress, he invited the local people to visit the head office factory. When the locals saw the factory, they said, “He really is making soy sauce!” and then the journey for white soy sauce began.

桶を上から見ると・・・白醤油の場合、上に重石をのせるために諸味は見えません。そのまま3~4ヶ月発酵熟成を過ごして搾るのですがこの期間も濃口醤油を比較すると短いです。製法も独特です。/Looking at the top of the kioke. In making white soy sauce, you cannot see the moromi, or the main fermenting mash, because a piece of tarp and a heavy stone is placed on top. When the soy sauce has fermented for about 3−4 months, then it will be pressed and refined. This maturation age is short compared to that of dark soy sauce (which typically ranges between 1−4 years). This shows that white soy sauce has unique production methods.




“Shiro tamari” is not soy sauce

By definition, soy sauce is made from soybeans. Some white soy sauce today uses a small amount of soybeans, so that is why it can still be called “soy sauce.” However, this shiro tamari, or white liquid run−off, does not use a single soybean. Therefore, it cannot genuinely be called “soy sauce.”

During the pursuit of genuine white soy sauce, Ninagawa realized he cannot call it ‘soy sauce,’ “I was surprised at the time, but I have to obey the rules. Technically I could add just one soybean to the batch in order to call it soy sauce, but that would be dishonest. For that reason, I call it ‘wheat-distilled seasoning’ instead.”

原料処理。一般的な醤油は大豆を蒸して小麦を炒りますが、白醤油は小麦を蒸します。/Processing raw materials. In regular soy sauce, the soybeans would be steamed and the wheat would be roasted. However in white soy sauce, the wheat is steamed.
麦の麹。/Wheat koji.
「しろたまり」ではない一般的な白醤油。/Shiro tamari is not regular white soy sauce.
搾り場。管理が行き届いてとっても綺麗。/Pressing and refinement area. Management and attention to detail is clear at Nitto Asuke Brewery.
白醤油の搾り粕。濃口醤油の搾り粕と比べると、そのまま食べて美味しい気が・・・。/The strained lees (sediment during fermentation and aging) of white soy sauce. Unlike regular soy sauce, these can be eaten (and they are quite delicious).




Your neighbor is the salesperson?!

One day, after finishing a tour at Nitto Asuke Brewery, one of Ninagawa’s neighbors called him over. He appeared displeased, but then he began to speak of Nitto Asuke Brewery with pride. “I want to tell more people about it,” he declared. “You sell the soy sauce, don’t you? I’ll introduce it to the world for you!”

The neighbor continued talking animatedly, as if she was a salesperson of Nitto Brewery. Ninagawa was a feeling a bit embarrassed by the whole ordeal, and wanted to excuse himself by saying, “It is almost time…” However, the neighbor continued praising Nitto Brewery anyways.

常務の伊東さん、営業の兼子さん、社長の蜷川さん。/Ito, Managing Director; Kaneko, Sales Manager; and Ninagawa, Owner and President.


I think it is safe to say that this brewery is one of the best in the soy sauce industry. Whenever you visit, everyone has a smile, and the staff is also get along well. Even over the phone, the brewery’s customer service is top notch. I believe that is one of the best attributes of Nitto Brewery.



価格 : 381円+税
原材料 : 小麦、食塩、焼酎
〒447-0866 愛知県碧南市松江6丁目71番地
TEL:0566-41-0156  FAX:0566-42-7744
