



Katagami’s boundless love and knowledge for soy sauce

An intense enthusiast for both manufacturing and fermentation, Hiroyuki Katagami is a self-proclaimed “glutton.” His personality is reflected in the soy sauce, and his love for it evokes a gentle ambience. It almost seems each of his handmade soy sauces have their own distinct personality. If you’re looking for soy sauce that is slightly different from the ordinary, I would recommend Katagami’s.





nonfat soybeans are not bad!

Katagami Soy Sauce Brewery uses “raw whole soybean” without using the “nonfat soybean.” 80% of the soy sauce production nationwide uses nonfat soybeans for the high protein content (used to make the umami, or “savory” flavor). But many soy sauce breweries say, “nonfat soybeans are just soybean residue…That’s why we don’t use them!” However, to Katagami, they aren’t just pressed soybeans. He says plainly, “Nonfat beans are not bad!”

“I don’t want to lower the position of the nonfat soybean, and raise the status of the whole soybean,” says Katagami. He then explained to me the goodness of the nonfat soybean.

Nonfat soybeans look like flattened out cornflakes, making it easy to absorb water and to ferment. Whole soybean soy sauce has a large oil amount byproduct that must be removed, which makes the process tiring. But with nonfat soybeans, there is no oil in the bean to begin with. However, Katagami says, “Nonfat soybeans aren’t ‘soybean residue.’ I just don’t use them at my brewery!” This insistence is very characteristic of Katagami.

片上裕之さん。醤油のことを語らせたらエンドレス。/If you talk about soy sauce with Katagami, you will talk for hours.
一般に流通している醤油の8割以上が脱脂加工大豆でつくられていますが、片上醤油の大豆蒸し機はそもそも丸大豆しか使えない構造になっています。蒸し器の底にメッシュ状の穴が開けられており、蒸す過程で煮汁を捨てられるようになっています。「国産大豆は繊細。収穫されたばかりのものか、時間がたったものかで水に浸す時間や蒸す時間が異なります。」/Even though more than 80% of soy sauces sold uses nonfat soybeans, Katagami brewery's steam machine is only fit for whole soybeans. At the bottom of the steamer, there is a hole with a mesh-like net that catches any unwanted debris or scum. Katagami explains, “Domestic soybeans are delicate. The time to soak and the time to steam are unique depending on when the beans were harvested.”
「最も神経を使うのが麹作りです。気温や湿度、豆の違いによって麹づくりは毎回違います。麹室の隣の部屋で時々仮眠しながら2日2晩を過ごしますが、うまく麹ができた時はホッとします。素材の良さを精一杯引き出してやれるように、いつも真剣勝負です。」/“The most nerve-wracking procedure in the whole soy sauce process is making koji (naturally-occurring mold grown on beans). The koji-making process is different each time depending on temperature, humidity, and the bean’s characteristics. I spend two nights sleeping next to the koji room to ensure nothing goes wrong. It’s always a serious game, but I am relieved when the koji turns out well,” says Katagami.
「1月~5月にかけて仕込みを行います。そして、発酵してくるのは6~7月。つまり、1月に仕込んだものは発酵までに6ヵ月あって、5月に仕込んだものは発酵まで1か月しかないわけです。」どの種類の醤油をいつ仕込むべきか?ここにも片上理論がしっかりと。/“We will prepare the soy sauce from January to May, and the fermentation happens from June to July. Those prepared in January have 6 months to ferment, whereas the ones prepared in May only have 1 month to ferment. When should you prepare each type of soy sauce? The Katagami method is reliable.
醤油は約16%の塩分と20%前後のエキスが含まれていて、実に3分の1が固形分になります。長い発酵期間のうちに微生物が活躍して溶かしきってくれる未知の部分。「醸造に携わるものにとって、これは大変なロマンです。だから、醤油の希釈は行いません。せっかく磨きあげたものを傷つけたくないですから。」/Soy sauce contains about 16% salt and 20% extract. In fact, 1/3 of the content is solids. Over long fermentation periods, microorganisms will dissolve away. At Katagami Brewery, they are not sure how much is dissolved. Katagami says, “And so, we do not dilute our soy sauce. It would do a great disservice to the microorganisms that have done so much to improve our product.”





Soy sauce-making as a demerit system

“There is such a thing called ‘beginner’s luck’,”said Katagami, “At first, I was able to make delicious soy sauce. Ever since then, I’ve been trying to recreate the same flavor hundreds and hundreds of times.”

When making soy sauce, Katagami believes it’s best to have a demerit point system mindset, “Raw materials are at 100 points. It is important to keep the number at 100, ranging from steaming soybeans, making koji, or fermenting. When preparing raw materials and leaving the work for the microorganisms, I am not trying to score points, but rather, trying not to lose them.”

“When steaming domestic soybeans, it smells really fragrant!” says Katagami, “I want to say to my customers, ‘We use this region’s soybeans!’ That is why I use soybeans from Nara Prefecture.”

醤油づくりは減点法。「原料の時点で100点。その後の工程で一度でも減点になってしまうと、さらに後の工程でどんなに頑張っても加点することはできません。当たり前の作業を繰り返してやっと点数維持なんです。」/"You start at 100% with the raw materials. If you lose even one point, you can never gain it back no matter how hard you try. With proper and consistent work, you can finally maintain your score."
身振り手振りで解説をしてくれる片上さん。内容はマニアックだけどとても分かりやすい。ここまで説明上手な蔵人はそうそういないはず。/Although the process of soy sauce-making is complicated, Katagami explains it clearly through animated hand gestures. It is uncommon to find someone as good at explaining as Katagami is.
熟成期間の違いや種類の違いによって、諸味の表情も様々。それぞれに、「これはこんな諸味で、こっちはこんな諸味・・・」さらには、「この建物のこの桶は一番信頼している桶。難しい醤油はこいつに任せるんですよ!」など、桶の性格までしっかり把握。/“Depending on the differences in aging periods and the different characteristics of the beans, the moromi (main fermented mash) will also vary, but Katagami can distinguish them all. However, this kioke (a large wooden barrel made with Japanese cedar) is the most reliable one in this building. I leave the most difficult soy sauce with this one!” said Katagami, as he firmly pats the side of the barrel. Even he can firmly grasp the individual character of each barrel.




And before he knew it, his products had increased

Katagami pursues soy sauce making that he, first and foremost, can understand. He jokes that this makes him overindulgent: “I am working with dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, re-fermented soy sauce, and tamari soy sauce (made without wheat). But a warehouse that brews these four kinds of soy sauce is quite unusual. Because the method of preparation and management are different for each, you need knowledge, perseverance, and curiosity to make them. It is very difficult and troublesome.”

Compared to the soy sauce at other breweries, each soy sauce at Katagami appears to be unique. This results in a wide array of products. Drawn to this feature of the brewery, customers–both ramen shop owners and soy sauce enthusiasts alike–are full of excitement.



価格 : 381円+税
原材料 : 大豆、小麦、食塩



価格 : 428円+税
原材料 : 大豆、小麦、食塩



価格 : 581円+税
原材料 : 大豆、小麦、食塩



価格 : 581円+税
原材料 : 大豆、小麦、食塩



価格 : 581円+税
原材料 : 大豆、小麦、食塩



価格 : 581円+税
原材料 : 大豆、小麦、三温糖、天日塩
〒639-2318 奈良県御所市大字森脇329
TEL:0745-66-0033  FAX:0745-66-1933
