



Forerunner of organic soy sauce

Shodoshima, an island in Kagawa Prefecture, is famous for producing soy sauce. Even to this day, 21 breweries continue to operate. But a well-known brewery amongst them all is Yamahisa Brewery. There is an abundance of opportunities to expand in the natural foods industry, and this brewery took advantage of it. Yamahisa is the pioneer in creating soy sauce entirely out of organic raw materials.




Using organic raw materials to make soy sauce

Yamahisa Brewery is focused on pursuing the consistent, authentic taste of soy sauce. Undoubtedly, raw materials such as whole soybeans and wheat are domestic. They do not work with any products that use pesticides or chemical fertilizers, and will only purchase raw materials if they are Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) certified.

“I am a producer in soy sauce-making, but aside from that I am a consumer,” said Katsutaro Uematsu, owner of Yamahisa. The brewery is pursuing to create safe and authentic soy sauce for families, including Uematsu’s own family, to eat: “We believe that this will never change in the future.”





Collection of 154 barrels

As you step into the main warehouse of Yamahisa, you will see the kioke—large wooden barrels made with Japanese cedar—densely, yet neatly arranged. There are a total of 154 kioke in the warehouse: “Unlike making miso, it is not necessary to move the barrels. So that is why they are densely packed.”

With these kioke, it will take time for the soy sauce to ferment. In modern soy sauce productions, it takes 4 to 6 months. But through natural brewing, it takes two years for fermentation and maturation.

In regards to natural brewing methods, craftsmen with over 50 years of experience and skill do not tire of the debilitating work. One of the senior brewers offered advice to Uematsu on brewing soy sauce, “As time goes by, salt will become more familiar to the senses. The sharp taste will disappear. Not only will the soy sauce have the right amount of saltiness, but it will be rich in umami(savory). And then this type of work is passed onto the next generations.”

この中で大豆が蒸されます。/Soybeans are steamed in these machines.
熟成された諸味は、このような布に包まれて搾られて醤油へとなります。/The matured moromi—main fermenting mash—is wrapped inside a fine mesh cloth, and is pressed for refinement.




Pioneer of making soy sauce with organic raw materials

Yamahisa is the first brewery in Japan to make soy sauce using organic raw materials. They use soybeans from Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, which contain oils that give the soy sauce a strong red color. Production volume of domestically-produced organic soybeans and wheat is very limited. It’s so limited, that the number of producers can be counted with fingers.

The limited access to soybeans and wheat is the same for salt. Yamahisa Brewery only uses sun-dried salt, and it offers a subtle sweetness that creates a flavor unique to Yamahisa.

従業員のみなさんがせっせと働く工場内。/Employees work tenaciously at the brewery.


有機JAS認定 有機栽培 国内産丸大豆、国内産小麦と自然塩(天日製塩)を主原料に2夏かけて仕込み造り上げました。杉の大樽で400年の伝統を受け継ぐ醸造方法で造った天然醸造醤油。

価格 : 476円+税 / 原材料 :有機大豆(国産)/有機小麦(国産)/食塩



価格 : 476円+税 / 原材料 : 大豆(国産)/小麦(国産)/食塩
〒761-4411 香川県小豆島郡小豆島町安田甲243
TEL:0879-82-0442  FAX:0879-82-5177
